Data Dictionary

Port - Information

Ship Types & Sizes

(All types and Vessels handled based on official data and dynamic AIS captured data)

Cargo Types & Products

(Types of Cargo, commodities and grades handled in the ports, data collected via agents and from vessel port calls)

Terminal & Berth - Parameters & Restrictions

(The berth types available including SBM and STS operations, parameters covering vessel and manifold restrictions at every single field level)

Port - Limitations

(The Max & Min restrictions to call the port based on Geographical conditions. Also, the regulations imposed by the port such as age, structure etc.)


(Services available for a vessel at the port. Fresh water, Bunker includes types and supply method, Slop disposal...etc.)

Vessel Data

Vessel particulars: Characteristics, Dimensions, Capacities

Vessel Ownership details: Registered Owner, Technical manager, Operator

Vessel port calls

Fixtures list from brokers

Historical port calls from agents and port controls

Port calls based on AIS